Then you don’t be loss of heart and beg for treaty while you are the superiors and Allah is with you, and He will never make loss your deeds.
The human Satan transgressors who are the symbol of Pharoah, Haman, and Qaroon by trying to divert the believers from the Straightpath showing their numerous organisational strengths. But the believers by foreseeing from Adhikr all such seditions, will abstain from such worst creatures as much as possible. Moreover, he will do great Jihad towards them by saying them the words like dog as mentioned in verses 7: 175-176, pig as mentioned in verse 5: 60, worst creature as mentioned in verse 8: 22, and Mujirim as mentioned in verse 7: 40 in the manner penetrating in to their inner hearts as explained in verse 4: 63. The believers shouldn’t be ready to make any treaty or reconciliation with the hypocrites who are killed by Impartial Allah as explained in verse 63: 4. See explanation 3: 139; 9: 120-123; and 41: 34-35.